Update on COVID-19 situation  (20/3/2020)

Dear students,

Since the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve and the suspension of NKUA's operation might be expanded we would like to underline  that your safety is the top priority of our Institution.  Therefore, you are advised to consider your next steps by estimating the current situation and in accordance with your Home University's instructions.

From our end in collaboration with our Academic Coordinators we will offer you the possibility of distance education so as not to deprive you from completing your participation in Erasmus+ programme even if you decide to return to your countries.

Therefore, most of our Coordinators will either accept the submission of an essay from your countries or will offer lectures via the Skype for Business programme.

Our information about each department's policy will be sent to the students, according to their registration department.  In any case you are advised to be in contact with your Coordinators and with our office.

Please keep us informed about the status of your studies and about your possible return to your countries.

Also you are advised to be in contact with your Embassy in Athens.